The Board Curators

Featured Links Offerings

The Board Curators
welcomes The Links Incorporated

The Board Curators is pleased to welcome the members of The Links Incorporated to our board readiness program! We are committed to helping senior leaders who are typically under informed about board service, to learn what it means to be ‘board ready’, and to help in preparing them to be ready to serve on paying boards. Our mission is to demystify the path to board service, and democratize the information so our clients know just what to consider and what to do to be board ready.

The Board
Curators Live!

A virtual multi day class where our concierges and other guest speakers will present our board readiness ” 4D framework” in a lively, interactive setting. The class will include presentations, Q&A, exercises, mock interviews, and more!

Let's Talk​

Fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch.